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Care Professional   |  9 Comments  |  

Standing Transfer Aids

Rotunda style patient transfer platformIf a person is able to bear some of their own weight for a short amount of time, there are various products to assist in transferring between bed, chair and toilet, for example, to move short distances, or to stand in a supported manner. As with any equipment used to move a person, careful professional assessment of the individual situation is required, to ensure that the most suitable choice is made.

This is a general overview of products available. Click the links below to go straight to each topic:

Standing transfer aids
Vertical standers
Short distance transfer aids
Toileting aids

Standing transfer aids

To enable transfers from one seated position to another, a standing aid that swivels enables a patient who can weight bear to participate more actively in the transfer.

A sturdy frame and adjustable, cushioned supports for the legs provide security, while the turntable base removes the need for awkward twisting on the part of the carer.


Vertical Standers

Image of powered standing aidThe powered vertical stander on the right enables the user to stand with support for the arms, knees, hips and torso. The heights of the various support elements are adjustable to suit the individual.

A table completes the unit, with a cutout at the front for comfortable access to the work area.


Short distance transfer aids

Image of Opemed Bea transfer aidCombining a wheeled transporter with a turntable platform, these transfer aids offer an ideal solution where space is at a premium and where the client can adequately weight-bear.

You need to check that the base of the equipment is designed so that it can be placed close to the wheelchair, chair or toilet, removing the need for manual handling when moving the user back into the seated position.

nordic short distance reTurnA shower-friendly aid like this has many useful features, including a corrosion-resistant coating that allows it to be used in the wet.

An angled stem (right) permits a natural way of moving when the user gets up to a standing position, and also allows the user to lean safely and comfortably against the stem and supporting handles when being assisted to dress.


Toileting aids

oxford stand toileting hoistA semi-standing aid, perhaps combined with a sling enables a user to be transferred and lowered onto a toilet more easily than using a conventional hoist, provided they are able to weight-bear sufficiently.

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9 Replies to “Standing Transfer Aids”

    GERALDINE J.O.C says:

    HI is it safe to move a heavy client in a steady with piled Capet on the floor with two carers?

    Frances says:

    Hello Geraldine
    I’m sorry, we aren’t in a position to give this sort of individual advice. You need the transfer to be assessed for safety in person, by someone with the relevant expertise.
    Best wishes,

    Deborah Bransbury says:

    Some months ago, I read an article about the smallest electric mini lift available, which had, I believe, just been developed. Can anybody provide me with the name of the mini lift and manufacturer, and also the date of the original article in Independent Living news?

    Fay Hughes says:

    do care agencies have guidelines for the use of standing aids?If so,what are they?

    My sister who is totally w.c dependant , uses one to transfer from easy-chair to w. c. and has been told the carer cannot position her feet nor help her position her hands.
    sh is only perhaps 6 stone in weight. My husband and both her sons can fully lift her.
    They are insisting using a full hoist!

    Frances says:

    There are no global rules for the use of transfer aids, Fay. The idea is that any transfers are the subject of a risk assessment beforehand, taking into account the design of the equipment, the environment it is being used in, whether or not the user can contribute to the process, the training of care staff, etc. Unfortunately, some agencies just seem to arbitrarily ban their staff from undertaking some transfers, using some pieces of equipment… so you have a ridiculous situation where family members are carrying out procedures quite safely and comfortably, which paid carers refuse to do.
    Person-centred care should be the underlying philosophy, and without knowing anything about your sister’s individual circumstances, in general it is better to use a standing transfer aid if a person is able to do so, as they will otherwise lose that ability to weight bear, at least for a short time.
    If I were you, I would go back to the care agency management and ask them to reassess the situation.
    Best wishes,

    Varghese says:

    I am looking for a frame to replace Delta-quest 88 Standing frame.
    Wondering if the powered vertical stander would do the job.
    Could you please let me know and if so send me a quote

    Frances says:


    Independent Living doesn’t actually manufacture or supply any products – we are an information website. It might be a good idea to get an OT to advise on a suitable product to replace your current standing frame.

    Best wishes,


    Chris shoobert says:

    Do you deliver to Australia

    Frances says:

    Hello Chris
    If you contact any of the suppliers shown in the right-hand sidebar directly, they will be able to let you know about delivery to Australia.
    Independent Living doesn’t actually provide any products ourselves – we are an information website.
    Best wishes,

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